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Does Coffee Have a Place in Your Wellness Routine?

Coffee: The endlessly powerful drink that can lure you from the pillowy depths of your bed or grant you instant relief from a pesky midday slump. If you’re a coffee lover, you’re already on this beverage’s bandwagon. But, do you wonder how it affects your wellness?

There’s no need to wonder any longer! We dove into the research on how coffee affects your well-being and how it can be incorporated into a health-forward lifestyle. Read on for the complete run-down, along with a few bonus tips on stocking your home coffee bar. 

Is Coffee Healthy?

The quick answer? Coffee is healthy for most, in moderation.

Like many health questions, there’s no black-and-white answer for all. Coffee affects people differently – while it can be an antioxidant-rich morning-saver for some, it causes uncomfortable jitters for others. 

Aside from this caveat, let’s dive a little deeper into the proven health benefits of coffee. 

Coffee Health Benefits

Drinking coffee in moderation (1 to 2 cups, generally) offers impressive benefits for most, as it is rich in powerful antioxidants, including polyphenols. As a simple (and delicious) way to increase your antioxidant intake, coffee can help your body fight free radical damage, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation. 

This remarkable antioxidant activity may also be the reason behind coffee’s ability to lower your risk of certain medical conditions, including:

Keep in mind that coffee may only reduce the risk of these conditions when consumed consistently, in moderation. Also, if you have underlying health conditions (like high blood pressure) make sure to talk to your doctor about how coffee may impact you. 

When is it Better to Not Drink Coffee?

While coffee is rich in inflammation-fighting antioxidants, it’s also high in caffeine. Caffeine contributes to some of the health benefits discussed above, but affects different people in different ways. 

Caffeine can compromise your calm, relaxed state with unnecessary jitters. So, if you’re currently managing anxiety or insomnia, coffee may not be the right fit for your wellness routine. You may also need to skip the morning joe if you’re currently pregnant, lactating, or have symptoms of IBS. 

Coffee is best consumed by early birds. Experts recommend steering clear of caffeine after 2 p.m., or within eight hours of bedtime. This helps protect your sleep schedule, ensuring your body gets the restful sleep it deserves. 

Craving a hot beverage in your nightly routine? Instead of coffee, opt for a drink that nurtures a sleep-ready mindset, like herbal tea, tart cherry juice, or a golden latte. With antioxidant-rich turmeric, golden lattes provide the anti-inflammatory benefits of curcumin with the satisfying creamy texture of your coffee shop favorites. 

Coffee in Your Wellness Routine

Wondering how you can best incorporate coffee into your wellness routine? First off, start with the quality and acidity of the coffee. For people with gastrointestinal concerns, like acid reflux, heartburn, or IBS, this acidity can trigger uncomfortable symptoms. 

Low-Acid Coffee Options

Coffees vary in acidity, but most are slightly acidic. Thankfully, you can find some wonderful low-acid coffees on the market today. Low-acid coffees have a smoother, less bitter taste and may be gentler on your system.

Fabula is a standout brand with low-acid, small-batch, single-origin brews. With coffee that’s grown in shade at high elevations, Fabula keeps acid levels lower than conventional coffee. We also love that Fabula tests its coffee at independent laboratories to ensure it’s free of over 350 chemicals.

Lifeboost Coffee is another low-acid option with a TrustPure process, which involves planting the beans in shade at a high elevation to lower acidity and maximize antioxidants. The brand was created by a physician and is made to prevent digestive discomfort. 

Cold brewing your coffee can also lower its acidity, as the slow extraction process creates a lower pH. Simply add your grounds to a French press or Mason jar, top up with water, cover, and leave for 12 to 24 hours before straining through a filter. 

Is Organic Coffee Better For You?

Certified organic coffee is the way to go for your wellness. With the USDA Organic seal, you can count on those beans to be grown on soil that’s been free of prohibited substances for at least three years before harvest. Those prohibited substances include the lion’s share of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical solvents. 

Organic coffee roasters must also pass a thorough certification process, helping to ensure that the quality of the beans is consistently high. Fabula and Lifeboost Coffee are both 100% organic coffee brands. 

To Grind or Not to Grind

When faced with the choice of whole bean or pre-ground coffee, reach for the beans. While you’ll need a grinder for your home coffee bar, whole beans offer several benefits over their pre-ground counterparts. 

Firstly, grinding coffee leads to a greater surface area that’s exposed to air. So, storing coffee pre-ground causes the flavor to deteriorate faster. Grinding the beans at home right before brewing preserves the flavor, prevents staleness, and leads to less wasted grounds. 

Using whole beans also preserves the wonderfully fragrant and great-tasting oils in the beans. Ground coffee tends to lose these oils quickly in storage. 

Sip the Morning Away

With proven wellness benefits, coffee can be a satisfying part of your daily ritual. So, stock up that home coffee bar with organic beans and brew away – with powerful antioxidants and a caffeine boost, your body will thank you.